lundi 24 septembre 2007

The eure 1,41 dollar the new evereste

Since the creation of the euro in 1999:
The euro is at the pick.

The euro could climb until 1,44 dollar in the next two months, estimated one a big European bank, which considered that there was a " weakness generalized by the dollar ".

To follow the evolution of the euro click here!

Why euro is so strong ?

Because of the BCE: European Central Bank and the president Jean-Claude Trichet or of the interest rates so strong, since they afraid about the increase of the inflation rates.
But I think is not the principal reason.
The first one is because euro is “sexy” more and more country wanted euro for money like Malta and Cyprus in 2008, Slovakia in 2009, Lithuania, in 2010 Latvia, Hungaryin 2011, the Czech Republic, Poland in 2012, Rumania in 2014 and Bulgaria and Estonia indefinite date.

Lot of country has reserves of exchange in euro for example China, Kuwait….
Eight years ago, the euro, it was hardly 20 % of the reserves in the safes of the central banks of the whole world, it is 25 % today.

But because the euro is the currency of a major power, Europe, Euro-zone more exactly. 380 million of habitants. A production close to that of the United States. A globally rich, dynamic and healthy economy. Here is what attracts; here is what strengthens the euro.

The impact for European economy ?

The euro strong is worst for European economy especially for us export in front of the competition of the other countries like USA…

Just one positive point the petrol sell in dollar so for European country is cheapest but at 84 dollar the barrel is expensive. But it is another subject has to follow on our bog.

Geoffrey THIRIEZ

Spring: ; ;

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