jeudi 27 septembre 2007

FACEBOOK: A success story? Which makes jealous persons

Facebook is a social networking website which was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg. Initially the membership was restricted to students of Harvard.

In May 2005, Facebook raised $12.7 million in venture capital from Accel Partners.
On August 23, 2005, Facebook bought the domain name

FACEBOOK value is 10 billion $

According to the wall street journal Microsoft would negotiate to buy shares of Facebook, at the level of 5 %, is an investment from 300 to 500 million dollars.
Of this fact the valuation of FACEBOOK will be 10 billion dollars more or less 5 billion pounds.

The CEO and the founder of FACEBOOK : Mark Zuckerberg want to keep it independent. Last year FACEBOOK refuse an offer of Yahoo who want to buy FACEBOOK for 1 billion $.

Facebook want to compete Microsoft and google, so Mark Zuckerberg wants to raise 500 million dollars for the development of its activities.

According to the financial time of Wednesday 26 September 2007 FACEBOOK has over taken one their most important competitor MySpace.

In UK 20% of the internet user visited the FACEBOOK site during august.
This is a record for FACEBOOK the first times that is overtaken their competitor in Europe.

Furthermore the visitor number increase more than 500% in UK this is Incredible. While in the same period MySpace grew just 20%...
I think that you can explain this development by the fact that you can stay alone on face book you have to invite your friend and your friend invites their friend…. Domino effect Strengthen also by the numbers of the application more and more important and attractive…

In my opinion it just the beginning of the success of facebook. It’s a very fun and useful web sites. Personally, he help me to find lot of old friends with who I have no news for very long times. And for my semester in London it permits to keep contact with my friends and family to show us pictures….

geoffrey THIRIEZ

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