lundi 15 octobre 2007

Good initiative from Les echos!!!

80 deputy of all the political view, on Sunday, October 7th, the day journalists for a special edition of the economic daily paper Les Echos. Every deputy worked in binomial with a journalist of the editorial staff and the subjects were affected some days before, rather " in against us”, according to the managing editor, Erik Izraelewicz, to give some salt to the exercise.

Lot of very famous politician like François Hollande the president of the socialist parties, Patrick Devedjian one of the famous figure of the Nicolas Sarkozy parties, Noël Mamère or Arnaud Montebourg.

The aims of this special days!

It is an occasion to make know our jobs and its constraints to persons who often judge it too easily. Moreover, every year and this time still, the first thing which they say to us at the end of the day it is that henceforth they understand that we have constraints of time that we are sometimes obliged to cut their declarations because we have to make a paper of 50 lines and one furthermore.

Personally I think it’s a very good initiative to be move closer and better understand these two world very different political and journalism!

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