jeudi 25 octobre 2007


It’s a special article today; I will try to explain what Bloomberg is because I visited Bloomberg last Friday with my class:

What is Bloomberg?

Bloomberg is a financial media where people without specialized training could hit a key and get answers to financial questions.
Bloomberg is composed by:, Bloomberg TV: 10 tv channels in 6 languages
Bloomberg magazine and Bloomberg terminal.

Created in 1981 by Michael Bloomberg they are present in 147 countries, 127 different offices all over the world

Why Bloomberg is the leader?

the answer is very simple because they are quick the quickest of the market. And in financial market to have information 5 minutes before or after could have a big impact.

Times is Money!!

And Bloomberg is more: Is a “private” net work 5 000 000 Email “Bloomberg” send per days!

Description of the building of London when you see the building outside it very big and beautiful but very old architecture. And when you enter in it really a missing incredible so modern very clear all is perfect in the first stage you have a kitchen with some drinks foods and all is free! To encourage interaction!
at all stage they are lot of glace its very clear its to show the image of transparencies.
All office is designed to create a good working environment like the tropical fish tank!

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