jeudi 8 novembre 2007

China exceeded the United States!!!

We already know that china growth it’s more than 10% since 5 semesters.
The group Petrochina terrifies the market in the stock exchange of Shangaï.

the market capitalization of the giant exceeded the 1 000 billion dollar is more of twice that of the biggest world company considered up to there untouchable, the American Exxon Mobil (486 billion dollars).

On Monday 5 of November 2007, PetroChina, the first oil group of the country, made its entrance to the stock exchange of Shanghai.

After a levying of 66,8 billion yuans (8,9 billion dollars), PetroChina saw its share jumping up with 191 % in the opening, for, its first day of quotation to Shanghaï.
In the close, the title reached 43,96 yuans, in increase of 163 % with regard to its price of introduction ( 16,7 yuans), even if in Hong-Kong, where PetroChina was already quoted he abandoned 6,63 % in 18,30 dollars of Hong-Kong in a bear context. That because chinisse people can’t buy shares of Hong-Kong. So in the actual context of the Bubble of speculation.
Oil and china the couple of the 2007!

In fact the shanghai stock market increase more than 400% since 2005. Doped by the introductions of big public Chinese groups.

China government wants to keep the stock market controllable! does it’s possible?

Geoffrey THIRIEZ

2 commentaires:

Mark Phillimore a dit…

Great piece. Was not aware of value of PetroChina and crazy values of Shanghai SE

Loic Salem a dit…

Although this growth seems to be quite impressive, I woul not be so enthusistic regarding the current evolution of chinese stock market. According to me it is only due to speculation, which is very dangerous. It could reverse very fast...
Moreover the oil sector may evolve very fast in the following years due to appearance of new substitues.