jeudi 22 novembre 2007

Airbus A380 it is already too small?

Just after one month of service with Singapore airline The jumbo Airbus A380 is already to small: Some airline company already customer to the biggest commercial plane in the world, would like a biggest version of the jumbo A380 this company are Emirates et Virgin Atlantic they want a plane with between 900/ 1000 set whereas for the moment the biggest A 380 can contain 863 people??

Sir Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin Atlantic, et Tim Clark, the CEO of Emirates, want a new version with1000 set. The both are already big clients with 6 and 52 Airbus A380 in order.

Airbus said that they will study the question of a plane 7 meters more with longer: 79,40 meters against 73 meters for l’A380-800 (I think that they have already studies the question!!!) when the production of the traditional A 380-800 will be OK so in 2010. At this date they will able to produces 45 planes per years and when you knows the cost a plane like that its will make a huge profit….
So it’s possible to see a biggest A380 in 2015 for the commercial version!!!

According to me is per haps the sign that the strategies of Airbus against Boeing the US firms its the good one.

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