jeudi 22 novembre 2007

Airbus A380 it is already too small?

Just after one month of service with Singapore airline The jumbo Airbus A380 is already to small: Some airline company already customer to the biggest commercial plane in the world, would like a biggest version of the jumbo A380 this company are Emirates et Virgin Atlantic they want a plane with between 900/ 1000 set whereas for the moment the biggest A 380 can contain 863 people??

Sir Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin Atlantic, et Tim Clark, the CEO of Emirates, want a new version with1000 set. The both are already big clients with 6 and 52 Airbus A380 in order.

Airbus said that they will study the question of a plane 7 meters more with longer: 79,40 meters against 73 meters for l’A380-800 (I think that they have already studies the question!!!) when the production of the traditional A 380-800 will be OK so in 2010. At this date they will able to produces 45 planes per years and when you knows the cost a plane like that its will make a huge profit….
So it’s possible to see a biggest A380 in 2015 for the commercial version!!!

According to me is per haps the sign that the strategies of Airbus against Boeing the US firms its the good one.

mardi 20 novembre 2007

euros = 1.4779 US dollard

where will go the euro......
its strange situation its means that euro is a strong money and become one of the biggest money in the world, but in the same times is very bad things for European exportation.....

lundi 19 novembre 2007

A French version of FACEBOOK

The French radio NRJ which is the second biggest radio in France after RTL. NRJ created yesterday their own social network web sites: to concurrence FACEBOOK and my space.
The target customers for NRJ is 12-25 years old in the same way of their radio and this social network is more focus and the passion of music...

Roland Le Parc the CEO of the French radio NRJ tell to le Figaro that their objective is 800 000 members is one year. And he means by member one actualisation per month.

To create is news social network NRJ employ 20 news employees.

For the moment we don’t know if it will be successful. But this confirms that social network is in the mood. And this new actors will dynamism a lite bite more the competitiveness between My space FACEBOOK……

A better growth in France

The French growth in the 3rd quarter: 0,7 %, 1,8 % over one year

The gross domestic product (GDP) of France progressed of 0,7 % in the third quarter, for an experience of growth which becomes established in 1,8 % at the end of September, according to the first results of the quarterly accounts published last wednesday by Insee.

" a third quarter of excellent quality, much superior to the second quarter ", the Minister of Finance, Christine Lagarde, and the Prime Minister, François Fillon, however maintained the objective of the government of a growth slightly superior to 2 %.
In its note of situation of October, Insee considered that the French growth should return to a rhythm of cruise in the fourth quarter to become established in 0,5 %.

As usual, the growt is due to the consumer spending which pulled the growth in the increase, underlines Insee. They accelerated (0,8 % against 0,6 % a second quarter 2007) and contribute for 0,4 to the evolution of the GDP.
The foreign trade, which had heavily pressed on the growth in the second quarter (0,3%) contributes to it this time slightly (0,1) thanks to a strong acceleration of the exports ( 1,7 % after 0,7 % a second quarter) at the same time as a slowing down of the imports (1,4 % after 1,8 %). Whereas the euros is strong more or less 1.466 us dollars...
The third reason of the growth: The total investment progressed of 0,6 % (0,4 % a previous quarter). The investment of the not financial companies registered a net acceleration (1,0 % against 0,5 % a previous quarter) whereas that of the households slowed down, progressing only of 0,1 % against 0,4 % in the second quarter.

So this resulut si good news for France and all European countries.
Now we will see whats happen for the fourth quarter and the total of the yeas: answer at the end of january.

Geoffrey THIRIEZ

jeudi 8 novembre 2007

China exceeded the United States!!!

We already know that china growth it’s more than 10% since 5 semesters.
The group Petrochina terrifies the market in the stock exchange of Shangaï.

the market capitalization of the giant exceeded the 1 000 billion dollar is more of twice that of the biggest world company considered up to there untouchable, the American Exxon Mobil (486 billion dollars).

On Monday 5 of November 2007, PetroChina, the first oil group of the country, made its entrance to the stock exchange of Shanghai.

After a levying of 66,8 billion yuans (8,9 billion dollars), PetroChina saw its share jumping up with 191 % in the opening, for, its first day of quotation to Shanghaï.
In the close, the title reached 43,96 yuans, in increase of 163 % with regard to its price of introduction ( 16,7 yuans), even if in Hong-Kong, where PetroChina was already quoted he abandoned 6,63 % in 18,30 dollars of Hong-Kong in a bear context. That because chinisse people can’t buy shares of Hong-Kong. So in the actual context of the Bubble of speculation.
Oil and china the couple of the 2007!

In fact the shanghai stock market increase more than 400% since 2005. Doped by the introductions of big public Chinese groups.

China government wants to keep the stock market controllable! does it’s possible?

Geoffrey THIRIEZ