jeudi 22 novembre 2007

Airbus A380 it is already too small?

Just after one month of service with Singapore airline The jumbo Airbus A380 is already to small: Some airline company already customer to the biggest commercial plane in the world, would like a biggest version of the jumbo A380 this company are Emirates et Virgin Atlantic they want a plane with between 900/ 1000 set whereas for the moment the biggest A 380 can contain 863 people??

Sir Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin Atlantic, et Tim Clark, the CEO of Emirates, want a new version with1000 set. The both are already big clients with 6 and 52 Airbus A380 in order.

Airbus said that they will study the question of a plane 7 meters more with longer: 79,40 meters against 73 meters for l’A380-800 (I think that they have already studies the question!!!) when the production of the traditional A 380-800 will be OK so in 2010. At this date they will able to produces 45 planes per years and when you knows the cost a plane like that its will make a huge profit….
So it’s possible to see a biggest A380 in 2015 for the commercial version!!!

According to me is per haps the sign that the strategies of Airbus against Boeing the US firms its the good one.

mardi 20 novembre 2007

euros = 1.4779 US dollard

where will go the euro......
its strange situation its means that euro is a strong money and become one of the biggest money in the world, but in the same times is very bad things for European exportation.....

lundi 19 novembre 2007

A French version of FACEBOOK

The French radio NRJ which is the second biggest radio in France after RTL. NRJ created yesterday their own social network web sites: to concurrence FACEBOOK and my space.
The target customers for NRJ is 12-25 years old in the same way of their radio and this social network is more focus and the passion of music...

Roland Le Parc the CEO of the French radio NRJ tell to le Figaro that their objective is 800 000 members is one year. And he means by member one actualisation per month.

To create is news social network NRJ employ 20 news employees.

For the moment we don’t know if it will be successful. But this confirms that social network is in the mood. And this new actors will dynamism a lite bite more the competitiveness between My space FACEBOOK……

A better growth in France

The French growth in the 3rd quarter: 0,7 %, 1,8 % over one year

The gross domestic product (GDP) of France progressed of 0,7 % in the third quarter, for an experience of growth which becomes established in 1,8 % at the end of September, according to the first results of the quarterly accounts published last wednesday by Insee.

" a third quarter of excellent quality, much superior to the second quarter ", the Minister of Finance, Christine Lagarde, and the Prime Minister, François Fillon, however maintained the objective of the government of a growth slightly superior to 2 %.
In its note of situation of October, Insee considered that the French growth should return to a rhythm of cruise in the fourth quarter to become established in 0,5 %.

As usual, the growt is due to the consumer spending which pulled the growth in the increase, underlines Insee. They accelerated (0,8 % against 0,6 % a second quarter 2007) and contribute for 0,4 to the evolution of the GDP.
The foreign trade, which had heavily pressed on the growth in the second quarter (0,3%) contributes to it this time slightly (0,1) thanks to a strong acceleration of the exports ( 1,7 % after 0,7 % a second quarter) at the same time as a slowing down of the imports (1,4 % after 1,8 %). Whereas the euros is strong more or less 1.466 us dollars...
The third reason of the growth: The total investment progressed of 0,6 % (0,4 % a previous quarter). The investment of the not financial companies registered a net acceleration (1,0 % against 0,5 % a previous quarter) whereas that of the households slowed down, progressing only of 0,1 % against 0,4 % in the second quarter.

So this resulut si good news for France and all European countries.
Now we will see whats happen for the fourth quarter and the total of the yeas: answer at the end of january.

Geoffrey THIRIEZ

jeudi 8 novembre 2007

China exceeded the United States!!!

We already know that china growth it’s more than 10% since 5 semesters.
The group Petrochina terrifies the market in the stock exchange of Shangaï.

the market capitalization of the giant exceeded the 1 000 billion dollar is more of twice that of the biggest world company considered up to there untouchable, the American Exxon Mobil (486 billion dollars).

On Monday 5 of November 2007, PetroChina, the first oil group of the country, made its entrance to the stock exchange of Shanghai.

After a levying of 66,8 billion yuans (8,9 billion dollars), PetroChina saw its share jumping up with 191 % in the opening, for, its first day of quotation to Shanghaï.
In the close, the title reached 43,96 yuans, in increase of 163 % with regard to its price of introduction ( 16,7 yuans), even if in Hong-Kong, where PetroChina was already quoted he abandoned 6,63 % in 18,30 dollars of Hong-Kong in a bear context. That because chinisse people can’t buy shares of Hong-Kong. So in the actual context of the Bubble of speculation.
Oil and china the couple of the 2007!

In fact the shanghai stock market increase more than 400% since 2005. Doped by the introductions of big public Chinese groups.

China government wants to keep the stock market controllable! does it’s possible?

Geoffrey THIRIEZ

jeudi 25 octobre 2007


It’s a special article today; I will try to explain what Bloomberg is because I visited Bloomberg last Friday with my class:

What is Bloomberg?

Bloomberg is a financial media where people without specialized training could hit a key and get answers to financial questions.
Bloomberg is composed by:, Bloomberg TV: 10 tv channels in 6 languages
Bloomberg magazine and Bloomberg terminal.

Created in 1981 by Michael Bloomberg they are present in 147 countries, 127 different offices all over the world

Why Bloomberg is the leader?

the answer is very simple because they are quick the quickest of the market. And in financial market to have information 5 minutes before or after could have a big impact.

Times is Money!!

And Bloomberg is more: Is a “private” net work 5 000 000 Email “Bloomberg” send per days!

Description of the building of London when you see the building outside it very big and beautiful but very old architecture. And when you enter in it really a missing incredible so modern very clear all is perfect in the first stage you have a kitchen with some drinks foods and all is free! To encourage interaction!
at all stage they are lot of glace its very clear its to show the image of transparencies.
All office is designed to create a good working environment like the tropical fish tank!

lundi 22 octobre 2007

20 years befor!!! 19 octobre 1987

Monday the 19th October 1987

Further to the strong decline of the European and Asian values, the American investors envisage the worst the element release mechanism of the panic to Wall Sreet remains unquestionably the publication of the figures of the American trade gap, even if, during the first minutes of the session, the decline is still limited. One hour after the opening, the indication loses already 100 points.

But the worst is to come: the indication is going to decrease. Switchboards explode, and the computing capacities of this period are fast saturated. In the space of one day, the Dow Jones lose 22.6 %, it’s the worst day since its creation.

Even the crash of 1929 is of lesser amplitude. At the height of the crisis, it had moved back of 12.8 %. It was on Monday, October 28th, 1929. look at the first artical of the blog for information about 19129 carsh...

The next day, Tokyo falls in his turn, closing down of 15 %. Paris market also opens on a decline of 10 %, and in London the decline reaches 12 %. But the decision of the president of the stock exchange to close this last one is paradoxically going to provoke a resumption on the market: the Dow Jones index will indeed end in increase of 6 %. More than 600 million shares were exchanged in two days on October 19th and 20th, that is the triple of the volume of a normal September moth.

The causes of the crash

At the origin of the Crash, two phenomena: the strong fluctuations in the dollar and the appearance of the first systems of electronic quotations!

The dollar first of all. One of the main preoccupations at this time in the US was unquestionably the inflation. But the depreciation of the dollar had had beneficial effects for the American economy, by an increase of the exports. But the inflation and the devaluation continue, In fact pushed the speakers to anticipate a rise of the rates of Fed.

But another phenomenon is technological had played in favour of the appearance of the crash. The famous “computer trading”, these deals made automatically by computer. The accumulation of the orders stop had particularly played in the fall of markets.

lundi 15 octobre 2007

Good initiative from Les echos!!!

80 deputy of all the political view, on Sunday, October 7th, the day journalists for a special edition of the economic daily paper Les Echos. Every deputy worked in binomial with a journalist of the editorial staff and the subjects were affected some days before, rather " in against us”, according to the managing editor, Erik Izraelewicz, to give some salt to the exercise.

Lot of very famous politician like François Hollande the president of the socialist parties, Patrick Devedjian one of the famous figure of the Nicolas Sarkozy parties, Noël Mamère or Arnaud Montebourg.

The aims of this special days!

It is an occasion to make know our jobs and its constraints to persons who often judge it too easily. Moreover, every year and this time still, the first thing which they say to us at the end of the day it is that henceforth they understand that we have constraints of time that we are sometimes obliged to cut their declarations because we have to make a paper of 50 lines and one furthermore.

Personally I think it’s a very good initiative to be move closer and better understand these two world very different political and journalism!

The impact of rugby world cup in French economy!!!

According to lot of analyst the rugby world cup in France will have no impact in the growth.

However this event will have direct consequences on certain sectors of the economy, notably transport, hotel business and restoration ", explains the economist. A study of Essec (a French Business school) calculates to 1,5 billion euro the spending of 350.000 tourists come specially in France to attend this World cup.

On the other hand, the consequences on the public baptiment and works will be limited, the World cup having given place to works of renovation but no construction...

Impact in Household consumption will be limited also because since football world cup French are already massively renewed their equipments. And the growth increase more than 28%.

The psychological effect stays. While the confidence of the households and the manufacturers stands up since January, a final victory of Fifteen French could give the envy to the households to consume more and to the entrepreneurs to invest, to engage and to innovate. A reason furthermore to support the French team.

lundi 8 octobre 2007

A lapse terminates the state of grace of Brown

VICTORIOUS of the terrorist attacks, floods, the foot-and-mouth disease and financial turbulences, will Gordon Brown be overcome by a political lapse?
Gordon Brown announces on Saturday the 6th of October that he decided to not anticipate the election.
Because for us he want election base in political project and no in performance!

By choosing not to summon legislative anticipated, Prime Minister weakens his authority. And gives a boost to the conservatives.

But according to French news paper “Le Monde and Le Figaro” this news papers note that the last survey is no favourable to the prime minister

Le Figaro said that the British news papers are very rude with the new Prime minister whereas it just this first mistakes. For example the titles of the sun “He’s in Brown stuff”…

Gordon Brown managed to unify the conservative Party with more success than whoever since Margaret Thatcher ". Sunday Telegraph

David Cameron announces last week is programme for the election during his meeting in Blackpool. A measure took the membership of the British up to here acquired to the Labours, to the point to invert the tendency: the increase of the threshold of the inheritance tax.

Occupied for months with refocusing his party, David Cameron assured nevertheless that the fiscal declines were not one of its priorities. It is not the slightest paradoxes.

lundi 1 octobre 2007

The French financial media

The news paper traditional with a financial section

Le Figaro: is a daily paper created in 1826 it’s a liberal news paper
The distribution is 337 110 copies per days

Le Monde: created in 1944
Its moderate socialist news paper
The distribution is 353 000 copies per days

The financial news paper

La tribune: daily financial news paper created in 1985.
The daily paper speaks about the economy: the national, regional and international, and approaches the industrial sectors, services, high technologies, media and management.
Twenty pages is dedicated to financial markets establish both key points of the newspaper.
The distribution is 78 363 copies per days.

les echos : created in 1908

The paper version of les Echos contains stock market prices and stock-exchange analyses, financial information, review of the French and international economic information.
The distribution is 140 000 copies per days.

Since the September 12th, 2007, Les Echos suggests its version e-paper: This offer constitutes a world premiere.
a video to explain how use the e-paper version of les echos click her


BFM TV: created in 2005 it’s a free channel an the TNT
BFM TV seems to be the non-specialized nonstop current events, under all its angles and at every hour. Some thematic emissions, politics, economy, debate are proposed besides its main constituent of non-stop information: newspapers and publishing "everything - in images ".

jeudi 27 septembre 2007

FACEBOOK: A success story? Which makes jealous persons

Facebook is a social networking website which was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg. Initially the membership was restricted to students of Harvard.

In May 2005, Facebook raised $12.7 million in venture capital from Accel Partners.
On August 23, 2005, Facebook bought the domain name

FACEBOOK value is 10 billion $

According to the wall street journal Microsoft would negotiate to buy shares of Facebook, at the level of 5 %, is an investment from 300 to 500 million dollars.
Of this fact the valuation of FACEBOOK will be 10 billion dollars more or less 5 billion pounds.

The CEO and the founder of FACEBOOK : Mark Zuckerberg want to keep it independent. Last year FACEBOOK refuse an offer of Yahoo who want to buy FACEBOOK for 1 billion $.

Facebook want to compete Microsoft and google, so Mark Zuckerberg wants to raise 500 million dollars for the development of its activities.

According to the financial time of Wednesday 26 September 2007 FACEBOOK has over taken one their most important competitor MySpace.

In UK 20% of the internet user visited the FACEBOOK site during august.
This is a record for FACEBOOK the first times that is overtaken their competitor in Europe.

Furthermore the visitor number increase more than 500% in UK this is Incredible. While in the same period MySpace grew just 20%...
I think that you can explain this development by the fact that you can stay alone on face book you have to invite your friend and your friend invites their friend…. Domino effect Strengthen also by the numbers of the application more and more important and attractive…

In my opinion it just the beginning of the success of facebook. It’s a very fun and useful web sites. Personally, he help me to find lot of old friends with who I have no news for very long times. And for my semester in London it permits to keep contact with my friends and family to show us pictures….

geoffrey THIRIEZ

lundi 24 septembre 2007

The eure 1,41 dollar the new evereste

Since the creation of the euro in 1999:
The euro is at the pick.

The euro could climb until 1,44 dollar in the next two months, estimated one a big European bank, which considered that there was a " weakness generalized by the dollar ".

To follow the evolution of the euro click here!

Why euro is so strong ?

Because of the BCE: European Central Bank and the president Jean-Claude Trichet or of the interest rates so strong, since they afraid about the increase of the inflation rates.
But I think is not the principal reason.
The first one is because euro is “sexy” more and more country wanted euro for money like Malta and Cyprus in 2008, Slovakia in 2009, Lithuania, in 2010 Latvia, Hungaryin 2011, the Czech Republic, Poland in 2012, Rumania in 2014 and Bulgaria and Estonia indefinite date.

Lot of country has reserves of exchange in euro for example China, Kuwait….
Eight years ago, the euro, it was hardly 20 % of the reserves in the safes of the central banks of the whole world, it is 25 % today.

But because the euro is the currency of a major power, Europe, Euro-zone more exactly. 380 million of habitants. A production close to that of the United States. A globally rich, dynamic and healthy economy. Here is what attracts; here is what strengthens the euro.

The impact for European economy ?

The euro strong is worst for European economy especially for us export in front of the competition of the other countries like USA…

Just one positive point the petrol sell in dollar so for European country is cheapest but at 84 dollar the barrel is expensive. But it is another subject has to follow on our bog.

Geoffrey THIRIEZ

Spring: ; ;

mercredi 19 septembre 2007

1929 Wall Street Crash : The black week!

At the time of the crash, The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was the largest stock market in the world.

So now we can say that the 1929 crash was one of the most devastating stock market crashes in American history.

The reasons of the crash:

The 1920’s was very strong increase in United State. for example between 1921 and 1929 the production increase more than 50%, the stock exchange increases by 300 % over the same period.

A speculative bubble

A speculative bubble, begins by 1927. She is amplified by the new system of credit purchase of shares, since 1926: The investors can buy titles with a cover of only 10 %. The rate of loan depends on the short-term interest rate; the perpetuity of this system thus depends on the difference between the rate of appreciation of the shares and this rate of loan.

The economy from the beginning 1929 is not so strong any more: for example the automobile production falls of 622 000 vehicles in 416 000 between March and September. The industrial production, it, moves back of 7% between May and October. This slowing down is partially due to a phenomenon of asphyxiation: current assets run up to the stock exchange rather than towards the "real" economy.

October 24th, 1929 Black Thursday, the market finally turned down, and panic selling started. 12,894,650 shares were traded in a single day.

The numerous investors who borrowed to speculate are forced to liquidate their positions.

At 12 o’clock the wall street loses 22,3% But an emergency meeting between five of the main bankers of New York improves the situation is finally the stock exchange loses only 2,1 %.

Monday and Tuesday BLACK

The situation is still the same but the bankers do not intervene so the stock exchange going down: He loose 13% on Monday and 12% and Tuesday.

Between October 22nd and November 13th, the Dow Jones index passes from 326,51 to 198,69 (39 %), what corresponds to a virtual 30 billion dollar loss.

The consequences of the crash:

The reliable loss due to the stock market crisis affects the consumption and the investments during the months following the crash. The investors who speculated by borrowing cannot pay off any more and talk dead losses the crisis becomes then a banking crisis from 1930.The production continue to fall, the unemployment explodes (from 1,5 millions to 15 millions in 1933), and the banking crisis becomes an economic crisis in 1931.

It is that with the entrance of the United States to the Second World War at the end of 1941 that the country stands up durably.